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Aphasia Access Conversations

How We’re Reducing Communication Barriers

Aphasia Access Conversations brings you the latest aphasia resources, tips, and aha moments from Life Participation professionals who deliver way more than stroke and aphasia facts. Topics include aphasia group treatment ideas, communication access strategies, plus ways for growing awareness and funds for your group aphasia therapy program. This podcast is produced by Aphasia Access.

Jun 12, 2019

Jerry Hoepner, a faculty member at the University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire, speaks with Melissa Capo about PEP Talks and project-based interventions. 

Melissa Capo is the developer of PEPtalks and clinical supervisor at the College of St. Rose. Melissa was fortunate to be a long-time colleague of Dr. Mark Ylvisaker, a profound influence on so much of the work we do with adults and adolescents with acquired neurogenic disorders like traumatic brain injury and aphasia. While not explicitly linked to the LPAA approach, his tenets of authentic, person-centered interventions where everyday partners and persons with aphasia or TBI are viewed as collaborators and experts is central to an LPAA approach. Building upon her collaborations with Mark, Melissa has been an innovative advocate for project-based interventions, publishing sentinel work in that area with Drs. Feeney and Ylvisaker in 2007.  


In today’s episode you will:


  • Learn about applications of project-based interventions for persons with aphasia and related disorders.

  • Examine the framework for project-based interventions.

  • Learn about PEP Talks, positive-educational-peer reviewed videos for persons with brain injury by persons with brain injury.

  • Gain insight into the importance of supporting individuals to identify and carry out projects to the fullest extent possible.

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Special Thanks to these Aphasia Access Members and organizations for underwriting this episode:

- The SCALE Center for Aphasia Care
- Wendy Greenspan
- Katarina Haley
- Karen Tucker