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Aphasia Access Conversations

How We’re Reducing Communication Barriers

Aphasia Access Conversations brings you the latest aphasia resources, tips, and aha moments from Life Participation professionals who deliver way more than stroke and aphasia facts. Topics include aphasia group treatment ideas, communication access strategies, plus ways for growing awareness and funds for your group aphasia therapy program. This podcast is produced by Aphasia Access.

Oct 25, 2018

Katie Strong (Assistant Professor at Central Michigan University) presents an episode of  “A-ha!” Moments in Aphasia Care as she speaks with Linda Worrall about relationship-centered care, psychosocial health, and implementation science in aphasia.

Professor Linda Worrall is a Professor of Speech Pathology, Co-Director of the Communication Disability Centre and Postgraduate Coordinator at The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. She completed her undergraduate degree in speech pathology at The University of Queensland but then completed her Ph.D. in the Stroke Research Unit in Nottingham, UK. She has practiced as a speech pathologist both in Australia and the UK and founded the Australian Aphasia Association in 2000. She has published over 200 peer-reviewed journal articles, 26 book chapters, and 6 books; graduated 27 Ph.D. candidates and has had continuous nationally competitive research funding during her academic career. From 2009-2014, she led the NHMRC funded Australia-wide Centre for Clinical Research Excellence in Aphasia Rehabilitation.

In this episode you will:

  • Learn the complexity of effectiveness trials and how research and clinical practice go together;
  • Understand the importance of relationship-centered care and the power of authentic relationships;
  • Learn the origins of the living successfully with aphasia movement;
  • Appreciate the negative impact mood has on aphasia outcomes and the important role speech-language pathologists have in preventing depression.

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